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Breanna Contreras Quoted in Washington Post

Bardacke Allison Miller

SANTA FE - September 16, 2021 - Partner and mother, Breanna Contreras, was quoted in The Washington Post article, Parenting a child under 12 in the age of delta: ‘It’s like a fire alarm every day’.

Breanna Contreras, 33, an intellectual property attorney whose children are 6, 3 and 20 months, said she and her husband, an engineer at Los Alamos National Lab, made the difficult decision to put all three of their children in school or day care because of their demanding jobs. But she second-guesses the choice every day.

“I feel like we’re constantly reacting,” said Contreras, who lives in Santa Fe, N.M. “There’s not enough time to be proactive. It’s like a fire alarm every day.”

Breanna Contreras is a partner at Bardacke Allison LLP.