Billy Trabaudo — Bardacke Allison Miller

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141 E Palace Avenue
Santa Fe NM 87501


Billy Trabaudo



Billy Trabaudo handles complex commercial litigation, intellectual property, and transactions in the entertainment and technology sectors, among others. He has successfully represented both plaintiffs and defendants in trademark, copyright, civil securities fraud, and other complex commercial litigation. Recently, Billy was part of the Bardacke Allison Miller team which achieved a multimillion-dollar jury verdict against a national bank.

Billy graduated in the top five of his law school class and received the Faculty Award for outstanding contributions to the law school community. Billy received his B.A. from St. John’s College, where he was given the Dean’s Award for academic excellence and contributions to the St. John’s community. After graduating from St. John’s, Billy taught himself software coding and founded a software development company. He successfully scaled that company to a team of eight, then was hired by the world’s largest cyber security services provider, NCC Group, where Billy led new business development for North America. He helped turn around an under-performing team in less than six months by implementing a strategic and value based approach to business development, and closed several multi-million dollar contracts with Fortune 50 companies. He is often a guest lecturer and panelist at the University of New Mexico Law School.

In addition to his background in technology and cyber security, Billy is a stage manager, director, and producer. He has directed professional productions of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. He has over fifty credits as a stage manager, ranging from two-person shows to hundred-person operas and musicals. In his spare time, Billy is a professional bridge player and enjoys fly fishing, backpacking, and camping. He grew up in Albuquerque and will always love the southwest.

Photo Credit: Genevieve Russell



University of New Mexico School of Law, JD summa cum laude, 2022

St. John’s College, BA magna cum laude, 2016

Awards and Recognitions

Order of the Coif