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141 E Palace Avenue
Santa Fe NM 87501



Miramax Resolves Lawsuit Alleging Infringement in MR. HOLMES

David Bowman

SANTA FE, NM  October 15, 2015 - Conan Doyle Estate Ltd., Miramax, LLC, Roadside Attractions, LLC, and Bill Condon announce that the lawsuit filed by Conan Doyle Estate Ltd. against Miramax, Roadside Attractions, and Condon in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico has been settled to the satisfaction of these parties. Miramax, Roadside Attractions, and Condon thank Conan Doyle Estate Ltd. for the use of certain material authored by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the film Mr. Holmes. Bardacke Allison LLP represented Conan Doyle Estate Ltd in the lawsuit.